Go Ahead, Say You're Sorry

By apologizing, you take the shame of your offense and redirect yourself. You admit to hurting someone or diminishing someone and in effect, say that you are the one who is disminished. "Im the one who was wrong, mistaken, insesitive or stupid. In acknowledging your shame you give the offended the power to forgive.

Some people apologize to feel better because they feel bad of what they did. Sometimes they just apologize to feel better. A good apology also has to make you suffer, you have to express genuine, soul searching regret for your apology to be taken as sincere.

Do you think an apoligy could change the relationship between two people?


Amy Fischl said...

I do think an apology can change the relationship between people ONLY before its too late, or the mistake done was too damaging for one to fully forgive (which a lot of people struggle with). In a situation where an apology is given and those two people are both genuinely sorry, then the relationship has the ability to mend. If its gotten to the point where an apology is too late or just not worth it, it can cause more damage then good. Some people apologize just to push things to the side, and are not sincere which hurts the other person. Others apologize too late when too much hurt has gone on, and not much can fix it. Some apologize so many times that an apology is cliché and useless. Other people apologize but the other person may hold a grudge and forgiveness is too hard. If you have been wanting to hear an apology from someone no matter how long, its always going to feel good to hear it; how your relationship is from that point is dependent on the people involved, their willingness to fix the situation, and the forgiveness in other’s hearts.

Lauren said...

I do think an apology could change the relationship between two people because when you apologize you’re admitting that you’re wrong. This shows the other person how much you care about them and how willing you are to please and make them feel better. If you weren’t willing to apologize to that person, even though you were in the wrong, it shows that you’re a weaker person not admitting to your mistakes. When the other person in the relationship sees this they can tell you are a weak person and might have different feeling about you after the matter. Apologizing can help a relationship because you can move on from that disagreement or fight faster than you would have if that person in the wrong had not apologized. The disagreement could go on longer because no one has admitted they’re wrong and it could end up hurting the relationship. Some people say apologizing is a sign of weakness but really it is a sign of strength because you are able to admit you are wrong.

amy g said...

I do believe that an apology changes a relationship. Apologizing shows that the person understands what they did wrong, and what they did was wrong, so they are taking responsibilities for their actions. Saying sorry does not show a sign of weakness, but strength, so the person receiving the apology should recognize that. Even in extenuating circumstances i believe that an apology changes the relationship. Even if what was done can not be forgiven an apology is better than nothing, at least they saw the wrong doing and are taking responsible for it. Admitting you are wrong is the hardest part and for someone to do that takes guts and should not necessarily be forgiven but acknowledged for it.

Anonymous said...

i do think an apology can change a relationship for two people. Sometimes it could be for the best. If you apologize the other person might forgive you and will take what you said to heart and realize that you are sinsere. Others might not accept you apology and you realize there not the friend you thought they were. It can either affect you in a good way or bad way. Apologies can always change a relationship in the end.

Carlee Austin

Momma Hunt said...

I think that if an apology is heartfelt and truely meant that it can change a relationship for the better. If one person apologizes and really doesn't mean that it (they say it just to say it) then I think that can hurt the status of a relationship
Mrs. Hunt

Anonymous said...

I personally feel that an apology can either hurt a relationship or truly mend it. If a person is sincere in their apology and admit to a wrong doing then it can't cause more hurt. Yet if the apology is casual and no real effort or feelings were put into it then it can cause a relationship to continue to struggle. Nothing is worse than apologizing just so the other person isn't "mad" at you anymore and fight isn't continuing. Obviously no one wants to fight or have tension, but all of that negativity cannot end until one is sincere in how they admit their wrong doing.

Anonymous said...

yes, i think an apology can change a relationship if you say sorry and dont mean it then that could wreck the relationship, but if you say sorry and actually mean it then you can make the relationship better and stronger by showing you can say sorry when you are wrong.
Rachel Pac