The other side to billboards

My article starts off by talking about an obesity billboard, obesity is said to be suffered by the African American and Hispanic population.

The billboard was intended to promote good health in children. The only thing controversial about the billboard is that it is in a predominantly African American and Hispanic neighborhood. If the supposed obesity children see similar billboards in their common surroundings they may feel fat and self conscious.

The billboard could bring up the thought that, “since thin is what people want to be, maybe I don’t belong.” It could even graduate to an “I shouldn’t exist.” According to the article, “placement of the billboard is stigmatizing a population that already deals with the mundane, extreme stress or classism, and racism. 

 Question to you all:  Do you think children are affected by these billboards or is it something doesn’t faze them?


Alycia Baronich said...

I personally don't think children will be affected by these billboards unless it is a direct insult to their weight. The billboard is simply trying to promote good health and if a child is offended by the billboard then they were most likely self-conscious before seeing it. Obesity is a major problem in America for all people, not just African Americans and Hispanics and I think good health should be promoted everywhere for this reason. More promotion of good health in children could possibly even benefit those whom suffer from obesity rather than affect them negatively.

Sheridan Cyr said...

I think that children would not be affected by the billboards simply because they probably won't even look at them, in reality. Unless the billboard is explained to them by another person, they won't even notice. This of course depends on age. Younger children most likely wouldn't notice, but older children may. It could hurt them if they do notice and understand, but it also could just be a coincidence that it was put in that area. For the most part, they won't be affected

Matt McDougal said...

I feel that the children would not be affected by such billboards, due to the fact that children often have trouble so much as focusing on one topic, never mind retaining information being presented to them by a few words that they may not even understand fully. If anything were to be to blame for this billboard bringing forth ill feelings, it would be the society we live in barraging adults and children alike with things showing being skinny as superior, followed up with parents and teachers (people that are typically seen as role models) telling these kids that they're perfect the way they are.

Rachel said...

I really dont think children are effected by these billboards because they probably wont even understand what message the billboard is putting out, thats IF they even look at them. I know I only look at about 2% of the billboards I drive by on a daily basis. But, if the type of person who lets a couple words get to them reads it, then they might take it to heart, but eventually they will forget about it.

Unknown said...

I don't think children will be affected by the billboards. I don't really pay attention to billboards that much, especially when I'm in a city that has billboards such as a West Hartford or Hartford. Even if they do see it, I feel that most will just shrug it off, if anything the thing that will get them to take action, whether positive or negitive, would be from the comments made by their peers, not a billboard rising above their buildings surronding them.

Mike Daly said...

I alost agree that children arent highly effected by the billboards. Most kids cant even read let alone take the time to look at billboards. However i do think the kids actually get a kick out of the billboard and it turns into a nieghborhood joke in some way. This could lead to obese kids getting bullied in there school or even at home.

Unknown said...

I dont think that children would be affected by the bilboard. Children are focused on so many other things that they probably do not tak the time to take was the billboard is saying into consideration. They also probably don't have the reading skills to quickly read the billboard as they are driving by. I think that only billboards that would really effect children are ones about toys or maybe familiar stores.

Melane said...

I don't believe that children are affected by these billboards. They probably don't even read the billboards and if they were they probably wouldn't make it a big deal. It's most likely for adults to make it a major issue and make a billboard advertising good health a negative thing.

Magda said...

I believe that the children would not be affected by the billboard. This is because the children dont exactly care about things like this, they wouldn't pay attention to it, they simply wouldn't be interested. Adults on the other hand would act differently.

JTfountain said...

I do believe children would be affected by this because, frankly, they are children. However, those who cannot comprehend the overall message of the billboard wouldn't understand, while those who can wouldn't be phased by it. Understanding may all depend on the individual.

Holly said...

I personally think that children are affected by these billboards. Billboards are a form of advertisement which usually is meant for selling something or getting you to think a certain way. advertisements, no matter what they are about, make a person feel a certain way. for example, coca cola ads tend to make people feel happy with ads that suggest that drinking their product will make you happy. Same thing goes for ads that suggest obeastity, they make people feel a certain way. since these bilboards are in a certain area and they suggest that the type of people who live there are obeast, that certainly will have an affest on the children.

Ashley J. said...

I feel like these billboards wouldn't really phase them first of all, because they're children and second, because i believe children are thinking of more important things than what billboards are saying. I know that I myself have never payed attention to any billboards growing up, and i still don't.