Foods I Fear

What foods do you fear?  Why?  Do you think mindful eating habits will help you conquer that fear?

Recap:  Lots of people fear foods and look at the negative side effects of particular foods they eat.

For example people dont eat eggs and dairy products because they produce gas. Mindful eating habbits which is the focusing on the sensations you get when eating foods slowly is a helpful way to conquer your fear of food.


Anonymous said...

What foods do you fear? Why? Do you think mindful eating habits will help you conquer that fear?

The food i would fear would be liver. I fear it because i've tasted it and i can tell the difference of which muscle of a cow im eating but it's helpful for me because it helps with stomach problems. I do think that each person has their own mental capability that they could alter depending on how long they have feared it.
-alba sotomayor

Anonymous said...

I dont really have a food i fear. i dont know why you would fear a food. i guess i could fear steak because i dont like it , other than that i dont know. If i ate steak with the mindful eating habbits(eating it slowly) I still wouldnt like it.

Colleen Gantnier

Julie T. said...

I don't have any food that I fear but I have food that I dislike. Foods are essential for everyone. I think every food has their own advantages and disadvantages. There are foods that give protein, vitamins, minerals etc.

Anonymous said...

The food i would fear would be fish. I learned in my human anatomy class that eating fish can give us ring worms in our stomach. But really thats the only food i fear, everything else i love eating.

-Joe Reali