Brain Plasticity in Action

Brain function and how it grows over a lifetime has been a very mysterious subject for many scientists. Not until just recently has it been discovered that the brain can increase in functionality over a persons lifetime, and in turn, make the person happier.

This is due to brain plasticity, the brains ability to overcome certain challenges by enhancing specific parts that control specific functions. Neurons in the brain will clump together in areas of high activity, so that function will become more functional for a person over time. So even when you don't think you're learning, your brain is working to make sure you are at all times.

Do you think brain function relates to happiness in life? Why?


Natalia Zagula said...

I think that the brain's adaption to difficult tasks is vital for happiness. Without the ability to become better at a task with more practice, many people, regardless of personality, would become immidiatley disencouraged out of frustration. It would also create a sense of worthlessness in most people. With this brain plasticity, however, a person can practice and practice with hope. When a task becomes easy for the individual, the frustration converts to pride and happiness, contributing to the feeling of worth. Because of these kinds of achievements, we can feel true happiness.
-Natalia Zagula

Anonymous said...

its not a surprise that the brain does this, that it changes its self to deal with a certain problem that life has thrown at us. its just the way our bodies work, the shape and reshape themselves to deal with the problems that we must face and the brain is in control of all that and thats why its the first thing to do so and make things easier and make yourself happy.
michal oldziej