Pain is something that everyone goes through , the thing is pain doesn't always necessarily occur from something physical.
Pain can also be brought out by constant stress such as the pressure of getting a good grade on a test, which can give people headaches, the pain can also become more severe and have the potential to last longer than the standard healing period which would then become chronic pain. 15-30% of those who suffer from chronic pain have been shown to have stress of some sort.
Do you believe that pain of any sort could be caused by stress of any kind ?
I believe that stress does cause pain but not directly. It causes pain indirectly. The actual stress dosen't cause pain but the trama of stress or the state of mind people are in while under stress. Stress alone dosen't make you ache but it can make you don unforgivable things.
Tyler Fresen
I do believe that stress can cause physical pain. We don't realize how much of an effect stress has on our health and our bodies. Stress can cause many health problems that can cauase pain. Although stress may seem temporary it can have long term effects on our health and bodies. It can cause things such as high blood pressure therefore it can cause physical pain.
Ashley Fontana
I think that stress can cause physical pain. It seems like a lot of emotions are linked to physical actions. For example, if we're sad - we cry, if we're happy - we smile, if we're angry - we may want to hit something. So it seems like it would make sense for pain to be linked to stress. I know when I get stressed, I tend to get over tired and sometimes will ache more in certain parts of my body because the amount of things I am doing will take its toll on me. So yeah, stress and pain can definately be linked.
Cat Haverkampf
I believe that stress can cause physical pain because it can make you feel extremley unconfortable. If something in school or something at work is a very difficult task and you cant figure what to do. It makes you upset because it is something that cant be accomplished. That can lead to a headache or something worse that goes wrong with you. The only way to fix that is by figuring out the problem or leave it alone and dont let it bother you.
Michael Niro
I do believe that stress can cause physcial pain. A lot of things are mental, but it can affect you physcially also. If you stress yourself too much, you can cause yourself not to get too much sleep, therefore your body wouldn't function.
Malik Golden
i do believe that stress can cause physical pain. stress mainly effects a person mentally and emotionally but some stress can be physical in ways that it affects how a person functions. such as sleep, when people are stressed its hard for them to fall asleep because they have so much on their mind.
I also do believe that stress causes physical pain because for example a bad day at school may cause a headache or even trigger a migraine. Although stress may not seem harmful, it really is at time because it increases your heart rate and tenses your muscles. However, the amount of stress will determine the whether or not you feel any pain or how much. The best way to avoid stress is to know how to manage it.
Michele Jacome
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