Sleep talking is one of a number of unusual sleep behaviors known as non-rapid eye movement sleep parasomnias. Other forms of NREM parasomnias include sleep eating, sleep walking, confusional arousals, night terrors.
The different stages of sleep are characterized by distinct brain wave patterns, as well as by differences in other physiologic parameters, such as muscle tone, eye movement, heart rate, breathing rate and patterns, and blood pressure. NREM parasomnias are frequent when a person is sleep deprived,or when one is sleeping in a strange location (such as a hotel room)
The question here is why do you believe you sleep talk or dream? Do you sleep talk/dream or any of your family? They say it happens in a strange location such as a hotel room, why do you think the setting influences your chance of sleeptalking?
I think people sleeptalk or sleepwalk because of the type of dream they may be having. Dreams can have different effects on different people, and some dreams can cause you to believe that you're really there and make your body do what it's doing in the dream, or sleepwalking. Sometimes dreams can have a big play on your thoughts/feelings so your emotions come out and you talk in your sleep, or mumble, so there's sleeptalking. I have been told that I used to sleep walk when i was younger up until about 10 years old, and I'm told that I sleeptalk to this day from time to time. If it happens in a strange place like a hotel room, I don't think it would affect the sleepwalking or sleeptalking because I don't think that setting matters. when you're dreaming, it doesn't matter where you are because you'll still dreaming, so sleepwalking/sleeptalking is always possible anythwhere in my opinion.
Luke Dola
Period 2
I personally don’t sleep walk or talk but I do have people in my family that do. I believe this happens because our brains don’t take breaks. They continuously work and take over our bodies. When I say take over I mean that even if our bodies are tired and want rest by sleeping our minds can take over and make them work without our direct knowledge. I think people might especially sleepwalk or have crazy dreams in strange places because our minds are being especially carful by trying to work as much as possible to stay alert while we rest. I think this is a survival mechanism our body has.
i dont believe i do or ever have sleep walked anywhere while i was sleeping, but i have been told i sleep talk every once in a while. i believe people sleep talk because of what there dreaming or sressing about when awake. if you stress about school you may have a dream about school and sleep walk about it. also i believe some experiance sleep walking or talking in strager places because your not comfortable or used to sleeping there.
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