Why Positive Thinking is Bad For You

we’ve all heard the saying When life hands you a lemon, make lemonade. This is just telling us to look at life with a positive point of view, which isn't true that you shouldn't label a moment in your life as either good or bad because you don't know the full out come of it.

you may see that moment as a burden or task that you must complete or take on, but you don't no one told you to take the challenge and you do it because no one told you couldn't take it.so as you live your life and look at what happens in your life and pick what you think is the best route and make mistakes. which may lead to certain situations that are bad at the moment but not in the long run.

So do you think you can go through life with out labeling a moment of your life as good or bad and just living life as it goes?


Anonymous said...

I belive that you shouldn't label life as it goes because you never know what can happen in life, and there may be some things that happen that may surprise you. We all learn from our mistakes, but that's not to say that once we make a mistake we can't try again to make it better next time. In other words, we shouldn't label things as good or bad because if something has a bad outcome, it's there for us to try it a second time, then a third, and so on until it's finally right. That way, we know that if we keep trying, everything will have a positive outcome in the end. So, when life gives you lemons, be creative and try something else instead. That way we will all learn to make the best out of every situation.

Luke Dola

Anonymous said...

No, I don't think people can go through life without labeling events as positive or negative. It's human nature, we have feelings and thanks to our amygdalas, initial emotional responses to occurrences. Whether you think that its good or bad to do so is irrelevant because you cannot consciously change the way our minds naturally work. Just because something bad happens does not mean that something good will come of it later down the road. stuff happens. theres not always a rhyme or reason. Even if something good does eventually come of a seemingly negative situation, who's to say there is a correlation between the two events in question? Perhaps the good event would have occurred anyway.

Cristina Theriault

Natalia Zagula said...

I think it is virtually impossible for people to not label life. Ever since you are a child, you label situations. If a negative situation comes up (such as a parent yelling at you), you are usually angry and label that moment as terrible. Even if a child is continuously taught to not label life as it goes, the person will do it at least once in their life if a situation they are faced with is extremley difficult. Hearing others around you complain can also lead to you complaining. I would encourage people to not label life but I understand that the people would not be able to live their entire lives without labels.
-Natalia Zagula

melissa m said...

I don’t think that people can not label their lives or moments as good or bad. We as humans judge every situation very quickly. I believe every thing that happens to a person happens for a reason so even though we cannot see the benefits now every situation shapes who that person is in everyway. Usually it is the tough or bad experiences that a person learns and benefits from the most. It would be awesome if we could just live our lives for what they are but we like being in control and knowing how everything is going to work out.

Anonymous said...

I think that it is impossible for a person to not label the situations that happen in life. Since children people are taught what is wrong and right and that will stick with a person throughout every situation. Whether someone hurts them or someone helps them, no matter what people will label what has happened to them because that is how we were taught to think. For example, there are laws to keep people in check and whether a person agrees with them or not, they will still go against or follow the rules or laws and label what they do as good or bad, right or wrong.

Cassie DeCorleto

Anonymous said...

I feel like people can't not label themselves an the thongs they do or say. Especially in high school I feel like people find a need to label everything and everyone. I do notice that my parents and grandparents do not label thongs half as much as high schoolers, it must hve to do with the age gap an the different generations. Jennifer giomblanco

Anonymous said...

I feel as though all situations and obstacles in life just simply are the way they are, rather than being good or bad; it's inevitable. Defining something in your life as "good" or "bad" makes everything expected to fit into these black and white areas, where in reality, most things are gray. Even if something is initially negative, there is always a high possibility that something good will come out of every unfortunate situation, it's up to you to decide how YOU want to view things, as opposed to accepting them the way they are, or at least the way you think they are.

Alicia Tabaka

Anonymous said...

I do think that we go through our lives each day labeling if it was a good or bad day. We tend to wake up in the morning already knowing if it's going to be a good or bad day when in reality we should only label our day as a good or bad day at the end of the day. For that matter we shouldn't even label our day a good or bad day because each day is a gift and yeah sure, sometimes we have moments that seem to put us down, but at the same time just as in this article "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade" We should be making the best out of each day..

Caroline Ferreira