Hypochondria is a mental illness. Hypochondria is a preoccupation with fears of having, or the idea that one has, a serious disease, based on a misinterpretation of bodily symptoms. This preoccupation must have been present for at least six months and persists despite adequate medical reassurance. One can mentally convince themsleves that they are dying. To a hypochondriac a cough is not merely a cough; it’s a drumroll of death, and no amount of diagnostic assurance can convince them otherwise.
Researcher say that hypochondria is inhereted while others say that you can learn to bo one through your parents or some one close to you that has the mental illness. It is said that the crosswalk between the mind and the body in such a way that we all may have a bit of Hypochondria.
Do you believe that everyone has a bit of hypochondria?
i dont believe everyone has a little bit of hypochondria. you can alwasy just make your slef believe someting or you can actually have hypochondria. you can make yourslef think you have a disease.
`Colleen G
I think that i could have a little bit of hypochondria but not to that extent to where i caution myself from everything like being trapped in a hamster ball that had cushions and everything no. I do fear things but thats normal for people to fear things and eventually think of death. For most people to i believe that they could be a little hypocondriac because take the example of the swine flu once it started spreading everyone wasn't close to one another and thought that they would die if they got ahold of that person that is infected and die.
-alba sotomayor
I do not think everyone has hypochondria. I think people without any confidence about their health are more likely to develop hypochondria. Maybe they had some kind of disease in their childhood days or they might had witnessed the death of a healthy person in front of their eyes.
i don't think everyone has hypochondria because its just a matter of insecurity and knowledge about your body
-elena r
I do not believe that everyone is a little bit of a hypochondriac. That is because hypochondria is a clinical diagnosed condition, so it's either you have it or you don't. Everyone is scared of things such as pain and dying though, so they show similar symptoms to it.
-Jake Conniff
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