Men's LIB

Quick Article Summary: Just to refresh everyone's memory, this article talks about how men need to start communicating more with their families and children, and become the "manly" standard that used to be. 
Instead of the male yelling at the wife, he needs to come home and be loving and more caring. Sweden, and other countries around the world have been giving fathers more paid time off to be with their families when a baby is born. Between the husband and the wife, they are allowed 390 days to divide between the two. It is mandatory that the father takes at least one month of that paid leave time.

Question: Do you agree with the article's statement that men should spend more time with their children and families? Also, do you believe that the new law giving fathers paid leave time is a good idea to benefit the family?


Harlz said...

I agree that men should spend more time with their families because they are supposed to be the strong one in the family, the kids have to be reassured that their father is going to be there for them. I think that the new law is a very good one because I believe that a child who doesn't have a father in their life or is distant from their father can have some issues and maybe not even trust other men in the future. Plus, I think it is good for a father to bond with their child, just like a mother does

- Harley B.

Zach said...

I agree that men should spen as much time with thier family in order to keep the family's structure and help raise and take care of the kids, and to distribute the work with the working mothers. I agree with this law because children with no father in thier life can develop issues in the future from his absense, and mother's could use more help with thier work.

-Zach King

Foster said...

I agree with the article's statement that men should spend more time with their children because they are a parent. It is not just the mother's job to stay at home and take care of the children, even though that's how some people see it. If men spent more time with their families, they would all most likely become closer. I do believe that the new law giving fathers paid leave is a good idea because it will encourage and allow men to be able to stay at home with the child if the mother is unable to. This law benefits the family greatly it allows the father to bond with the children, and the mother to get some free time.

kcornell said...

I absolutly agree. Men seem to spend more time away from there child and at work. This is a heavy factor on a childs and wifes life and if men took more time off of work to spend time with his family it seems things would go better between families. However i believe it is a mistake to make the government pay for there time off, this is somthing that will cost millions of dollars that some countries just do not have at the time. But bonding itself is deffinetly one of the main things that a male head of the household needs to consider.

vconnolly said...

I do believe that it could be beneficial to a family if fathers are given paid leave of absence, but shouldn't those laws then also be extended to mothers? What happens if you have twins, does your pay or time off double? Do you have to be working at an establishment for a certain period of time before you would receive this benefit? On the other hand, I think this law could weaken the economy as well just by giving out money to people who have children, and unfair to the single men and women. This law will cause too much debate and time on a topic that isn't benefiting everyone so I feel there is no reason to pass this law.

- V Connolly

nicole said...

I believe that giving men more time off to spend with their families would be beneficial to everyone. Instead of the man yelling at their wife and kids they should be seen as loving people that they could be if they just got to know their children better. I also do believe that giving them paid vacation to spend with their family is a good idea but I don't think it should come out of the governments money especially now that our economy is so low. Instead I believe there should be a small amount taking out of each paycheck to save for their vacation.

Casey Hagenow said...

I completely agree that men need to spend more quality time at home with their wives, children, and family. If a man has a child with his wife, both of the parents are responsible for that child, and the father has to support that child and that family just as much as the mother does. The "manly" stereotype that has been established today has to change back to the caring yet strong manly figure. I also agree that men should receive paid leave time from work (as well as women) because a newborn child needs just as much quality time with his/her father as he/she has with the mother.

ESmith said...

I agree that men should spend more time with their children and take a stronger domestic role in the household. Father's are a very influential part of any child's life and they are needed to enforce rules and to nurture children through their development. I believe if men were to take a more "hands-on" approach with their children then the children would be more likely to grow up better behaved and know how to form good relationships with both males and females because of the presence of the mother and father in the household equally. I definitely think that the United States should adopt the law that men get a longer paid paternal leave so that men could step up and be able to form an original bond with their new child and they would be able to help with the domestic duties of the household.

ktran said...

Yes, I agree that men should spend more time with their children and families. Of course, I believe that the new law giving fathers paid leave time is a great idea to benefit the family. The law provides fathers a chance to spend family time with can create strong family ties/bonds. This law provides the fathers to see the womens' work and have knowledge of how their workload is. I'm pretty sure if the father spends more time with their children, there is a strong connection during the early ages and in the future.

-kevin tran