What's the Link Between Eating Disorders and Vegetarianism?

In the article: "What's the Link Between Eating Disorders and Vegetarianism?" the author describes the possible links between eating disorders and vegetarianism during, before, or after an eating disorder. 

The author explains the average age of eating disorders starting at age sixteen, and the average age of vegetarianism starting at age seventeen. The author furthermore explains reasons why someone with an eating disorder might become a vegetarian. Some examples are the excuse of rapid weight loss and becoming a "vegetable junkie". She then mentioned how vegetarianism can help overcome eating disorders.

Do you think there is a possibility of eating disorders and vegetarianism being linked together?


rachel6wallace said...

I do think that there is a link between eating disorders and vegetarianism. People with eating disorders eat as little as they can, which fruit has barley anything harmful in it. With vegetarians, they eat vegetables because they are against the killing of animals. The reasons of eating just vegetables may be different, but I do think there is a link.

Danielle Pelkowski said...

In my opinion there is no link between people with eating disorders and people who are vegetarian. people who are vegetarians dont stop eating meat beacuse they have a disorder, they have certain morals against eating animals. People with eating disorders on the other hand may stop eating meat because you become thinner if you cut it out of your diet, and because they are trying to get thinner they eat a lot of vegetables. But there is a difference between being a vegetarian and eating healthy and having an eating disorder and eating as little as possible or just vegetables in hopes that you will become really thin.

cvalverde said...

I believe that there is no link between people being vegetarians and people with eating disorders because both have different reasons for being the way they are. Vegetarians choose not to eat meat because they believe its wrong and people who have eating disorders just feel sick if they eat too much

Anonymous said...

I do not think that there is a link between having an eating disorder and being a vegetarian. I think that when having a eating disorder it focus's more on the fact of being unconfortable with what your body looks like while being a vegetarian you're more concerned with what you are eating regaurding it being a live or not. There may be a link when getting over an eating disorder, by starting out small and going with healthier choices but as a whole I find them as two totally seperate things. Being a vegetarian doesn't necessarly mean that you had an eating disorder. A vegetarian just has a mind set that it's ok to eat, while people with eating disorders do not.

Julia Gonsalves

Gryphon said...

I don't think that there is necessarily a link between eating disorders and vegetarianism, but I do think that people with eating disorders probably do hide behind the excuse that they are vegetarians. Other than an excuse, the link sounds unrealistic.

-Tonya Salyerds

sara s said...

I do not think that there is a link between vegetarianism and eating disorders. People who have eating disorders just don't eat a lot in hopes that they'll lose weight, but people who are vegetarians don't like the thought of eating something that was once living. Vegetarians are usually able to maintain a healthy diet, while people who have an eating disorder are unhealthy so I don't think there is a link between the two.

Sara Siviski

Anonymous said...

I do think that there’s a link between eating disorders and vegetarians. The intake that a person with an eating disorder eats every day is a little and a person that is a vegetarian eats things that don’t harm animal. So after that they don’t have a big variety on the foods they can eat so they eat every little as well. Maybe people that are vegetarians are that way because it’s a very close line to not eating a lot which is linked to having a eating disorder.

jazmin ortiz

Unknown said...

I dont think that eating disorders and vegetarianisms are linked together. People who are vegetarian choose to not eat meat because they dont think its right to be eating an animal that was once living. And people who have eating disorders choose to cut their diet as much as possible because they are in hope of loosing weight. Although it could be possible that people with eating disorders eat more fruits and vegetables because it wont add onto their weight but that isnt always the case.

Olivia Marczyk

Vicki Sanborn said...

I don't think there is a link at all, i think that it's somewhat ridiculous. Just because someone doesn't like to eat meat doesn't mean that they have an eating disorder. It might be an outlet to eating less fatty foods like meat but there's no connections between eating nothing and eating vegetables.

Michelle said...

I do think there is a link between eating disorders and vegetarianism. I only say this because I have several friends you claimed to be vegetarians, then comes to find out they were just trying to eat less to become thinner. I’m not saying that every vegetarian has a eating disorder but there are probably many cases where people with eating disorders are using that they are a vegetarian as an excuse to hide that they have an eating disorder.

Nadiyah Bell said...

I don't think that there is a link between eating disorders and vegetarianism. Just because someone is a vegetarian does not mean that hey have an eating disorder. In my opinion i see an eating disorder as some unheathly eating habits for your body.
nadiyah bell

nick minutelli said...

i believe that there is no link between eating disorders and vegetarianism because i believe that a eating disorder is, at first, a choose made by that person. So i doesnt matter if that person eats meat or not, its their choose if they develop a eatting disorder or not