13 Tips for Sticking to Your New Year's Resolutions.

New Year’s Eve is just a few weeks away, and that means it’s the season for resolutions. Do you want to stick to your new year's resolution? Take some tips.

Tips for Sticking to Your New Year's Resolutions
1. Be specific. Make sure your resolution is something specific not just a general thing. 
2. Write it down
3. Review your resolution constantly. If your resolution is buzzing through your head, it’s easier to stick to it. 
4. Hold yourself accountable. Tell other people about your resolution, or join or form a like-minded group. 5. Think big. Maybe you need a big change, a big adventure – a trip to a foreign place, a break-up, a move, a new job. Let yourself imagine anything, and plan from there. 
6. Think small. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that only radical change can make a difference. Just keeping your fridge cleared out could give you a real boost. Look close to home for ways to improve and grow. 
7. Ask for help. Every time you ask for help, it'll get a little easier for you. 
8. Consider making only pleasant resolutions. We can make our lives happier in many ways. If you're struggling to keep your resolutions, try resolving to “Go to more movies,” "Find more time to read," or whatever resolutions you’d find fun to keep. Often, having more fun in our lives makes it easier to do tough things. Seeing more movies might make it easier to keep going to the gym. 
9. Consider giving up a resolution. If you keep making and breaking a resolution, consider whether you should relinquish it entirely. Put your energy toward changes that are both realistic and helpful. Don't let an unfulfilled resolution to lose twenty pounds or to overhaul your overgrown yard block you from making other, smaller resolutions that might give you a big happiness boost. 
10. Keep your resolution every day. It's easier to do something every day, then every few days. 
11. Set a deadline
12. Don’t give up if something interferes with your deadline. 
13. “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.”EX. Instead of starting your new exercise routine by training for the marathon, aim for a 20-minute walk each day. Instead of cleaning out the attic, tackle one bureau drawer. If you break your resolution today, try again tomorrow. This article was just basically the 13 tips to help you keep your resolution and to not break it! DON'T BE LAZY!

So my question to you is...
Do you have a New Year's Resolution? If so, what is it?


Becky P said...

In previous years I have had resolutions but I realised that they never work. They don't work because I always break them. For some weird reason I just can't stick with my resolutions. So that's why I have decided to never make a resolution because I always break them

Unknown said...

I do not have a new years resolution for this year, and I have never had one in years past. I don't think i would be able to keep up with it, with working, and school work.

desire said...

No,I do not have a New Years Resolution. If I had one I do not think I would follow through. I'm not patient enough to make a permanent change and follow it. I also think that 365 days is too long to concentrate on certain changes.

ThatGuyWithTheHair said...

No, i don't i never really do. I also would probably not follow along with it. Im more of a here and now type of person, and new years resolutions i think of as a waste of time.

Foster said...

This year, I do not have a New Year's resolution. I decided to not make one because I know I won't keep it. Whenever I make a resolution I will stick with it for a couple of weeks, but after that, I forget about them. Maybe next year I will be able to keep a resolution.

ktran said...

I never really think about having New Year's resolutions. After reading this blog, and thinking about the question, it seems like a lot of work for a New Year's resolution. Yeah, I would have a year to work on it, but I tend to procrastinate. I guess not everything works out the way you want it to.

Tyler Piskura said...

No, don't really have one didn't think about it, but I would make them easy one because sometimes people go over the top with their resolutions. I would do something easy that I could do without having to drain your energy or even getting hurt from over exerting yourself. I would choose to stop drinking soda or something.

Unknown said...

yes i do have a new years resolution and it is to stay more focused in school and try to start focusing on acheving some of my long term goals once i finish up acomplishing higschool going on to college, so in the near future i can have a carrer. But beside that i just want to stay healthy and move on with life succesfuly

LaurenZenzie said...

Yes, I have a new years resolution. My resolution for this year is to stop eating junk-food altogether, and become a more healthy person. I believe that this will help me reach my goal of losing a little bit of weight, so I can be comfortable with myself. I'm excited to see what my results are in the future!

nicole said...

I do not have a new years resolution, i believe setting yourself up for something can ultimetly harm yourself esteem. If you make a goal for yourself to complete over the year and you do not do it you will start to think of ways you could have did it and think about it all the time. I believe that if people want to do something they can take as long as they need to do it. Instead of making a goal that "has" to be completed by the end of the year.

Sashana said...

My new year's resolution is to get things done when they need to be done. Also, i want to work on being nicer to people and listening more. This has gone good so far, but its only the 5th day of the year so i still have to stick with it. I think i can pull this off because i truly am a nice person, people just do stuff that makes me not be nice. I know i have to stick with it this year because it will help me as i graduate high school and move on to college. College is no joke so i MUST shape up or ship OUT !

Anna said...

I never have a New Year's resolution because I never stick to them. However this year I want to stop procrastinating so that I'm not doing things at the last moment and then stressing out.

Maria Giudice said...

I do have a New Year's resolution. This is a resolution that i want to stick to. My New Year's resolution is to lose 30-40 pounds before this anime convention that i go to at the end of April. I need to shape up and get healthier if i don't i am just going to end up to be very disappointed in myself.

Maisam said...

No, I don't have a New Year's Resolution, never did, and never will. I don't get how people come up with goals for the New Year and stuff. A new year cannot change a person. People can change whenever or do whatever their goal is whenever. You don't need a New Year to change yourself or develop goals. I think it's just takes effort and to really think if you are capable of doing it and never letting yourself down. I have had goals and things that I needed to change and all it took me was to believe in myself or just putting that effort, not relying on a new year to change me.

Drodrigues said...

No, I do not have a New Year's Resolution because I would probably forget about it or just not follow through with it. I've never really had one before and probably never will. If i did have one it would probably be to stop procrastinating. I think resolutions would be to hard to accomplish.

Anonymous said...

-Tyler Piskura
No, don't really have one didn't think about it, but I would make them easy one because sometimes people go over the top with their resolutions. I would do something easy that I could do without having to drain your energy or even getting hurt from over exerting yourself. I would choose to stop drinking soda or something. It would be pretty easy and I wouldn't have to worry if I broke it.

Gabby said...

I do not have a new year's resolution because I don't find them to be very effective. Usually I end up getting bored with them or tired of having to do it, so it's easier just to not have one.

Meghan Eldridge said...

I do not have a New Year's resolution because I feel that if I do not accomplish it then my self esteem will dramatically drop. If I were to want to accomplish a goal, I could do it on my own time period, and not stay within a select period.

nirali said...

I do have a new years resolution. My resolution is to lose 10 pounds by the end of the year and get in great shape for any sports. I think this would be good because it would help my health and help me become a better athlete.

mechelle said...

My new years resolution is to get to places on time. My timing on getting to places is awful, so I want to benefit myself and others by getting there on time. I’m also hoping by getting to places on time that being more organized will follow. I feel lately like I’m very disorganized and stressed, I believe that I can reach this goal by buying a watch to keep track of my time and setting time limits for things I have to do.

mollyyyyy! said...

I wasn't planning on having a New Years resoltuon but it just sort of happened that way. During the Holiday break I ate a ton of bad food constintly. I relized I'd gained a few pounds and the combination of eating a lot and not working out wasn't helping. So I decided for my resolution I'd become healthy again. I went on a detox diet which consists of no gluten, dairy, or processed foods. It essentially cleans out your system. And I've also started going to the gym everyday. So far I've lost eleven pounds but that doesn't matter to me, just the fact of being healthy again makes me feel better.