Letting Go of Worry

Do you think worrying is healthy or not?

The brain’s exists to keep people alive and safe.  This leads the brain to skew thoughts and to become pessimistic and worry about the worst things that can happen.  Women mostly verbalize what they are thinking. Men will often internalize their worries and lie awake at night thinking about solutions.  

One way to treat worrying all the time is figuring out what the brain is protecting the person from.  Another way is to be easier on yourself.  When the brain is relaxed, it is easier to see new possibilities and solutions. “Worrying is an alarm for you to explore the possibilities of danger in a situation.”

Do you think worrying is healthy or not?


adinino said...

I think to a certian extent it is healthy. Everyone's always going to worry about something, little or big. But at the same time not everything is worth time to worry about. Some things you'll worry about out of your concious, or self esteem which comes naturally. Although, for a lot of people worry causes stress which isn't good.

kadian Thompson said...

I don't think worrying is healthy simply because worrying can lead to stress. Alot of stress is not good for your body and mind and i think worrying comes hand in hand with the process of being stressed out about whatever. Worrying does not lead to any good because the more you worry, the more you'll have time to think about things and stress about it.

Shai Hayes said...

I believe worrying to a certain extent is healthy. People are always going to have worries, it may be life changing it may not, even evreyone experinces some type of worry. However, every person is different some people over worry, meaning their excessive worrying may cause them to become stressed, depressed or may develop a health problem such as anxiety. This type of worrying is very unhealthy and dangerous.

Anonymous said...

I think worrying is healthy to a certain extent. I think its okay to worry because everyones gonna worry at some point in there life. But worrying too much about everything is not healthy because then it can lead to stress and may become depressed.

Stephanie Perez

Hillary Scoville said...

I do not beilive that worrying is healthy for you one bit becasue it stresses you out. It can harm you with a long term effect because you all obsessivley think about is that one thing and you worry about it constantly. It can also ruin values in your life, like education, relationships and other things in your life.

Laura Scerrato said...

I dont think to worry alot is good for your body and mind because it can lead to stress and cause you to have diseases. You may not concentrate in school and work. It can also lead to you thinking of ther worst and getting in fights with family and friends.