TheTtruth about Beauty

In nature men are naturally attracted to women with big eyes, youth, clear skin, a symmetrical face and body, feminine facial features, an hourglass figure. 

Research shows that men prefer women with full lips, smaller chins, and large eyes because they are indicators of higher levels of estrogen. These are what indicating that a woman would be a healthy, fertile candidate to pass on a man's genes. All of these vary from different cultures around the world. Women in America and industrialized countries struggle to stay thin while others force themselves to eat to be fat to appeal to men. This is what is to be considered to be healthy in a female.

Do you think that physical aspects are the only role that attracts you to the opposite sex?


RubenS said...

I thinkg that physical aspects are part of the reason people are attracted to the opposite sex. Anyone can look attractive with makeup or surgery. However, no one can change their personality. Personality is what makes people attracted to other people, in my opinion.

Emily Januszczyk said...

Certainly, there are other factors that contribute to being attracted to the opposite sex, however, I personally think that physical appearance is what mainly draws people together. Regardless of the culture, the norms of the specific culture will probably encourage that 'look', whether it may be for a partner, a job, etc. Personality is important, but you're not going to stop on the street and go "Wow, that person has a great personality! I'm going to go talk to them"... As shallow as it may be, I think your looks catch people's attention, and personality and other factors only further the attraction.

Tyler Barrett said...

No I feel physical attributes aren't the only reason why people are attracted to others. This is because there are several factors in why someone is attracted to someone and likes them. These factors can be personality, common interests, etc. Thus, looks don't mean everything.

TaylorAnne said...

I believe at first, physical appearence draws you to the person and as you get to know them better you really become attracted to them. If someone is really physically attractive but has a horrible personality or annoying habits you wouldn't be as attracted to them anymore. Physical appearence is the eye catcher, but I think you truely become attracted to their personality and who they are overall.

Tina said...

I don't think that physical aspects are the only qualities that make a person attractive. When someone has a good personality it makes them more appealing and seem to be more attractive. Looks will be the first thing that you notice but once you get to know a person their personality will ultimately make them either more or less appealing.

Olivia Klimek said...

Although I do believe that physical attraction does play a major part in selecting the person you want to be with, a person’s personality is what really seals the deal, it’s what makes the individual want to stay. It’s the physical appearance that first reels in and attracts people to one another but it’s the individuals personality (preferably a good one) that makes a person want to stay.