Worry, Anxiety, and Worse

People worry about many things everyday, the smallest things in their mind always have something big if we go deeper into it. Worries and anxieties are parasitic states when you drain your mental and emotional resources by thinking of potential calamities and you gain nothing healthy in return. 
The good thing is that we can always control that, if we really would want to. There is a state of mind where you recognize that you can directly command only yourself. When you are in charge of yourself, that is when you know that you can do better than what you have already done. 
Many people also have a problem with catastrophizing, where it is taking a potentially bad situation and making it even worse. This is what kills many people in their thought and where they think of way too many things that could go wrong.

The question is...
Do you think that worrying is just a waste of time? Why?


Melane said...

Yes i do believe that worrying is a waate of time mainly because at the end of the day everything seems to work out fine. Worrying isn't such a bad thing it prepares us for any possible outcomes.

Alycia Baronich said...

I definitely think that worrying is a waste of time. Most people spend so much time worrying when they could be using that time to better ensure a postive outcome. A lot of the time people regret having worried about something so much. I think people should only worry if their health or well-being is being questioned. Regardless, everything happens for a reason, whether or not we waste our time worrying about it.

Ashley Lockery said...

I think, depending on what your worrying about, it is a waste of time. If someone close to you was going into surgery, then no worrying wouldn't be a waste of time, but something smaller like a test or if someone is mad at you or not, is nothing to really worry about. But in the end, what happens happens, you just have to figure out what is really worth worrying over.

JTfountain said...

Worrying is definitely a waste of time. The more you worry, the less effort you put into productive planning and organizing. When you sweat the big and little things, they tend to add up. For example, due dates that are a far ways off tend to come up as fast as tomorrow when you worry over them. And you may miss out on the work to be done in between that time.

Holly said...

I think that worrying is a waste of time because no matter how much your worry about something that doesnt change the situation and it only affects your health. No matter how bad things are they are not worth stressing yourself out, you can think about it and try to change your situation but over thinking something is never good.