Paying Attention

Many of us have been attached to one or more things that are technological, whether it is a cell phone or an iPod it has been claimed to many people and seen that we pay more attention to these object more than the people we converse with.

Our brains are not always capable of higher level multi-tasking of texting and conversing at the same time that is why we tend to either miss the whole complete conversation or pick out at some words that they the person conversing with you has said. So my question is..Do you think you are an ACTIVE listener?


Momma Hunt said...

Sadly I would have to say that I am most times not an active listen. There are several times students will be at my desk and I will be doing something else and have to tell them point blank I was no listening to them and they need to repeat themselves. Although as a safety rule I never talk on my cell or text while driving mainly because I know myself and I am not that talented!

Julie T. said...

I think that I am an active listener. I always try to pay attention to what others tell me. For example, when I am doing a project I make sure to pay attention to what my teacher tells us to do in order to do the project.

Breena said...

No i do not think that i am an acticve litener. I cant really do task at once when it comes to technology. When im talking on the phone it is very difficult to txt some one and listen to the person talk. I also can never watch TV and talk on the phone becasue i either pay attention to one or the other

Anonymous said...

I'm a pretty good active listener. A lot of people I know can't text, talk on the phone, and talk to a person at the same time and i find that weird just because I'm so use to it. I mean yes sometimes its a little hard, but i would'nt say its hard for me to be an active listner.
