This article is about how feelings can be so overwhelming and most people don't know how to cope with them. Many people will result in having addictive behaviors rather than working them out in a healthier way. This article also says that because of how much humans have advanced and how busy we always are, we don't have time to listen to how another person feels. It's as if it's wrong to have feelings and we just try to avoid these feelings or get over them as fast as possible.
Do you think that what this article is saying is true? Do you think that people now-a-days are so caught up in their daily lives that they ignore theirs and/or everybody else's feelings?
I think now more than ever it is seen as "weak" to show emotions and talk about them. It's a dog eat dog world out there and the weakest links are left behind. However this is extremely unhealthy for the psyche. When you wake up one day and realize you can't verbalize your feelings at a given moment, you've lost a major coping skill. Talking about things helps resolve problems. Unfortunately, society's pressure on us all to be perfect limits our abilities to do so.
Cristina Theriault
I deffinatly agree with the fact that people now a days like to focus so much on themselves an what it going on in the moment that they don't focus on others and how there actions may affect them.
Jennifer giomblanco
I do think that people are so caught up nowadays in their busy lives that they don't realize much about other peoples' feelings, and sometimes their own. I think that because of this, many people are affected in negative ways, which has a negative impact on their lives. But it's also true that it depends on how close people are to others, because once they see how close they are to another person, they become more aware of what the other person may be feeling, and they may help them out. But again, that may be rare since it does depend on who the person is.
Luke Dola
I don't think that people are so caught up in their everyday lives that they are not concerned about their emotions or the emotions of people around them. In fact, I think that in our everyday lives we are the most concerned of how people act towards us or their society. We hope that people think highly of us in order for us to achieve what we want. Because in this life, it helps to have connections. And if those connections think highly of you, consider yourself successful.
-Brett Bishop
I definitely think people today are so caught up in their busy lives that they do start to ignore others feelings. Many people are concerned with getting from place to place and doing multiple things at one time, that they begin to forget about others. Especially now when we have such advanced technology, we start losing that personal connection and humanity level for one another. Every second of every day our phones are going off or we're checking text messages and facebook. This prevents us and others from having any kind of emotional attachment to others. When this happens people shut down and are not able to verbalize causing them to take their frustrations and emotions out in a nonhealthy way. People should take some time out of their days to get back to human level and communicate their feelings.
-- Brianna Maylor (: --
I do believe that now a days people get saw caught up with school and jobs that they don't have the time to have a social life or even interact with others as muchas they would like. Unfortunitly we have crazy lives in which some times it does ruin relationships, or may lead one person to not have a relationship due to time, but we shouldn't let time play a factor in our lives. We should live our lives day by day and try our hardest to get to know people because i believe that if we isolate our selves from the rest of the world and just focus on our jobs most of the time we will loss those opportunities to meet people, which could lead to an unhappy life.
__Caroline Ferreira__
I think people today are just to worried about what other people think about them and don't take the time to look at themselves and worry about themselves and there feelings. this is true in that people look at other people to see how to behave and some don't look at themselves. then other people just don't know how to deal with there emiotions and just hold them in and store certain things inside and create other problems for themselves and others.
-Michal Oldziej
I think that most people today are more in touch with the way they are feeling more then ever, but they hardly ever talk about it because their lives are so crazy, and there is not enough hours in the day to sort out what they are feeling. They are so busy with getting work done that they just seem to put their feelings on the backburner, and hope that they get worked out by themselves somehow.
~Alicia Tabaka
I definately agree to what this article is saying. we have so many things going on today that we cant focus on some of the more important things in life like your significant others feelings or a friends. we often will be listening then zone off to something we feel more important or more interesting at the time.
I feel that people have lost touch with their feelings today because of how busy they are in their daily lives. that people are to busy to live there life and be themselves so they lose touch with there feelings. then when something happens that is emotional and means alot you don't know what to do and handle the situation. so people are to busy to think about there life and feelings.
-Kevin pont
I definitely agree with this article and how it says that we have lost touch with our feelings because of how busy our lives are. Many people are so out of touch with their feelings and with others and they tend to isolate themselves from everyone else which can cause an increase in your chance to become addicted to something. For example, people smoke and drink because they think that if they do that they will feel better about whatever is wrong even though in reality it just messes up your thinking for a little while and then once you're sober the problem is still there, so they continue to do these things and it leads to addiction. Also with all of the technology in society today like cell phones and computers, people are losing the ability to know how to hold normal conversations with people in person.
-Danielle Gagnon
I agree that because we are always sooo busy we don’t take the time to just think about how we truly feel. We also ignore our feelings a lot of the time. This is not a healthy thing to do and can lead to even further deeper problems. Another main reason I think we don’t listen to our feelings is because we all just want to be normal and happy. We might try to trick ourselves to feeling another way or be in complete denial about how we feel so that can try to feel how we think everybody else does. We especially as teenagers need to learn to listen to others. A lot of times we only care about ourselves and our own problems. If we don’t make relationships where we can listen to help others who will be there for you when you need help?
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