Sleep Deprivation, Social Networking and Drugs

A recent study from Harvard showed a connection between the lack of sleep in teens, social networking and drugs

It showed that on networking sites, people connected with marijuana through every 4 people.  Also, the lack of sleep within teenagers which may be caused by social networking led to a higher use in drugs, especially cocaine, ecstasy and heroine. 

Do you believe there is a connection between the lack of sleep, social networking and the use of drugs?


Anonymous said...

I do believe there is a connection between social networking and a loss of sleep but not the use of drugs. Some kids get to invlolved in things like facebook and myspace and it leads to them to staying on it all night long. I see kids around me who stay on facebook until 1 or 2 o'clock in the morning. That is not healthy to do that because kids need sleep and not to be on the computer. I do not believe that social networking can lead to drug use because surfing the web does not force you make poor decisions like that, peer presure does.

Michael Niro

Big Griff said...

I don't think there is a real connection between either sleep deprivation or drugs. I feel like in our society we like to place the blame for things on easy targets like facebook. if it wasn't these social networking sites keeping kids up it would be something else. Even when myspace didn't exist, people still stayed up way too late. It's boredom and anxiety that causes people to stay up late and facebook is just an outlet. As for drugs, if a kid wants to take drugs there's nothing anyone can do about it. They are everywhere and very easy to get. Blaming facebook is a huge cop out we should look for other solutions like...legalization.

Anonymous said...

I do believe there is a connection between social networking and a loss of sleep, but for only the younger generation. I say this because numerous kids are always on facebook or twitter, rather than doing their homework. This results in kids staying up late and such. On the other hand, I believe that drugs have nothing to do with it. In this day and age, we are all about experimenting thing, so of course you will not be able to stop kids from doing drugs.
Malik Golden

Anonymous said...

I do believe that there is a connection between social networking use and lack of sleep. I know that a lot of people get distracted when they are on facebook and lose track of time and then they realize that they should have been doing something else that needed to get done and now it is late. Social networking cites are a distraction from homework and other things that need to be acoomplished. I don't think there is a direct corolation between drug use and social networks though. I believe those experiences happen more in real life then over the internet.
Ashley Fontana

Lexis Oquendo per.1 said...

I do not believe that thre is a connection etween social networking sites and drugs. I find it completely irrelevant that one could end up shoting up simply by going on sites such as facebook for long periods of time . Although it doesnt seem too farfetched that sleep could be the result of extended use of such social netorking sites like facebook or myspace , I as a facebook user myself have sen myself wasting potential sleep hours simply because I was on facebook ; anyone who has facebook could tell you that it is adicting and they usually end up going to sleep latr than they should be because theyre checking their notifications.