Ten Careers with High Rates of Depression

Jobs can make people become depressed
New studies have shown that people might choose jobs that have a high rate of depression. There are ten jobs that have the highest rates of depression: 
  • Nursing is number one; nurses don’t get any feedback and this can lead into depression. 
  • Food service has low salary and costumers are very rude. 
  • Social workers can become depressed while working with abused children. 
  • In health care depression is a factor due to ling shifts and knowing that their patient’s lives are dependant on them. 
  • Writers, artist, and entertainers have odd hours and are not happy with their salary. 
  • Teachers have to put up with long hours, unruly students, and cranky parents. 
  • Administrative support staff can be frustrating because the demands are so high and there is a rare opportunity for control. 
  • Maintenance always has to clean up after someone else. 
  • Financial advisors don’t have any control over the market and handle other people’s money and has a lot of responsibility. 
  • Number ten is in sales department; this consists of long hours, impatient costumers, and not a steady income.
What job do you think can lead to depression and why?


FasterThanAKenyan said...

Psychologist (or is it psychiatrist?).

I'm always the advice giver for my friends. I handle their problems or at least help them with their problems. A lot of them are depressed. Hell, a lot of my past girlfriends were very depressed. I mean shit, two of them killed themselves. I think that that depression just rubs off on other people. Never really used to be depressed until I started helping depressed people. Don't get me wrong, I love helping out my friends. But they are my friends. I know them well. I'm no psycholo-chiatrist. I can't imagine the stress that a caring psychia-cologist must deal with when trying to help troubled people that s/he doesn't even know! Sure, the psychia-colo-chiatrist could detach theirself from the patient, but you can't really give good advice if you don't care, eh? I think that a job like that would be the most depressing.

I mean, shit. I get depressed just hearing about domestic violence.

-Tony Wright

Marianna said...

i think the most depressive job is one where you are alone with yourself all the time. my research paper was on how social isolation can kill, leading to heart defects and depression. the most depressing job is something like a writer or a critic of some sort - like that guy in ratatouille (the critic) who sat in his office for days on end being negative about everything. the article however basically named every job there is - which leads to the question of whether you can ever be happy with your job. if the study shows everyone is depressed in just about every job, well then they are defining depression as something much simpler than it really is. there should be a difference between depression and frustration or unhappiness with pay.

Jazmin Ortiz said...

I think that any job can be depressing because if you don’t like the job and you do it only for the money then you will not be happy. But in the article I agree that nursing can be depressing because if you are constantly with people that are sick them you will not be high spirited. Additionally I found this shocking because I want to be a nurse and it’s worried me to know that they have a high depression rate. Also I think that there are other jobs that would lead to depression like working for jails and it’s sad that people have to deal with jobs that can lead to depression.

mechelle said...

Depressing jobs are more and more common today. Depressing jobs can vary from working alone in a little cubiacal all day, like in the movie office space, to busying places such as in hosptials. The type of depression also varies with each job. A nurse will feel depressed from working with sick people but compared to a person in a cubical that person works alone and is depressed. I beilive that there are many jobs out there that are depressing, but I believe people chose to countine working there.