Can UV Rays actually be good for you?

Growing up, our parents and elders would always tell us to keep sunscreen on to protect us from getting cancer from the harmful UV rays of the sun. But actually, the sun is the biggest source of vitamin D, which prevents ailments from autoimmune disorders and many different types of cancer. 

Since times are changing and how we go about our daily lives, we tend to not spend as much time in the sun as our parents, aunts, and uncles did when they were our age.
So instead of "hiding from the sun" like our parents told us to, we should be enjoying it, since it only takes about 15-30 minutes for us to get about 20,000 IU of vitamin D, which is like drinking 200 glasses of milk.
And my question is: "Do you think the sun's rays are helpful or deadly?"


JTfountain said...

Well, everything in life has a 50/50 effect to it. However, I feel that the sun's rays are still harmful, no matter how you look at it. The sun is a powerful, eminent force. And although in space, if we as humans cannot even look at it with bare eyes, how can we allow it to penetrate our skin? Sure, sitting on a tanning bed is an alternative, bujt what about it being 10 times worse than the sun itself? as someone with a choice, I'll take my 200 glasses of milk instead. (But not in one sitting, of course.)

Unknown said...

I feel the suns rays are harmful, in wellness i saw a video on skin cancer from sunbathing too much and I was traumatized. Of course these were the exrtreme cases, but after that I felt like I should hide in my basement and never see the light of day again just to be safe. Along with that I drink enough milk to get a lot of vitamin D, not 200 glasses, but close to gallon a day.

Alycia Baronich said...

I feel the sun's rays are helpful to an extent. Too much of anything can be bad, including the sun's rays. I think people should definitely manage their time in the sun, but not avoid it. The sun is evidently an excellent source of vitamin D, but there are also several other ways of getting this so to prevent the harmful effects of too much sun.

kaylee said...

The sun's rays can only help you out so much. If you get too much, you can get skin cancer or other harmful things. There are alternative ways to get vitamin D without putting yourself at risk.

Holly said...

I think that the sun can be helpful in certain amounts. Too much of anything is a bad thing and the sun is one of them. It is good to get sun for vitamins but excessive tanning is the harmful aspect of it.

Melane said...

Everything in life has its goods and bads. I believe sometimes we tend cause the bads. I mean the sun was made to help us, but anything in it's exaggeration can be harmful. Skin cancer can be prevented you would just have to take care of yourself(not by hiding from the sun).

Magda said...

I believe the sun's rays are helpful for everyone,but of course too much sun might not be the best thing to do. Of course it has vitamin D, that means that we should not hide from the sun because everyone thinks it will give us cancer. But also too much sun is bad for our bodies.