Does Facebook make us sad?

It is human nature to compare yourself to others. It is also human nature and habit to overestimate other people’s happiness and compare it to yours. Many people log on to their facebook and read about all the new relationships, babies, and exciting events that people post thinking that their life isn’t as great. 

Most people don’t post the negative things that happen in their life giving others a false picture of their life and reality. Thinking that everyone around you is so much happier leads you to feel more sad and depressed, and even alone.
Question: Do you ever feel that people seem so much happier than you do when you log on to facebook and read other’s statuses?


JTfountain said...

No not really. People will feel how they want to feel all the time, including me. But in order to count everyone, obviously they should have a Facebook. Its not a matter of reading statuses and being happy, because then again, not exactly everyone's status fits the general meaning of "happy".

Unknown said...

I don't feel that people are much happier then I am. In fact I feel the complete opposite, because I see a lot of post that say like "horrible day" or "s*** night" or along those lines. I feel that this town in particular posts of their bad days more then the good.

Alycia Baronich said...

Personally, I think people complain more about how bad they think their lives are on facebook rather than how happy they are. Because of this, I rarely feel like people are happier than me. Everyone has their bad days and their good days, seeing that someone else is happy wouldn't make me feel bad about myself or any less happy than I am at that moment.

Ashley Lockery said...

Yes, I think Facebook at times can make people sad because they go on Facebook and see everyone writing on each other's wall's and they don;t have any notifications, it starts to hurt and make them feel like they have no friends, even if they do. What people don't realize is that Facebook is just a website and shouldn't determine how many friends you have, or affect they way you feel.

kaylee said...

I do not feel like people are more happy than me when I log onto facebook. I'm an overall happy person and I see more status's where people complain about how "pathetic and horrible" their lives are. I rarely see people posting about how much they love their life or how happy they are.

Melane said...

I wouldn't know I don't have a Facebook, but I believe it could make you sad. It really depends who you are though. Someone who thinks of Facebook as a popularity contest might find Facebook depressing, but others that just treat Facebook like just another social networking website it just won't get to them.