Can Creativity Be Taught?

In this article, it poses the question can creativity be taught?

It compared the teachings such as the ones in art classes, to be similar to giving a plumber or carpenter the tools necessary to do the job, but without him/her having the knowledge necessary to become great at their profession. 

The author believes that creativity is something someone has to be born with, and that it cannot be taught, only shown ways it can be expressed. The question I ask you is; Can creavitivy be taught, or is it something someone has to be naturally born with?


JTfountain said...

I believe creativity can be taught. Its a skill that can develop in a certain area of expertise or inexperience. I also believe that creativity can be taught because some people can actually watch someone do something and acquire the skill just as great as who they indirectly learned it from.

Holly said...

I believe that creativity cannot be taught. I believe that it is something that your born with, not everybody has it. I know that im not that creative, i usually get ideas from things i have seen, while others can just come up with brilliant ideas and not have to think about it so much.

Unknown said...

ur still creative enough to think about what others have already thought