Eating Disorders and who support them

In the article that I read it talked about what type of supporters people with eating disorders have. The article described six different types of people who support there loved ones or friends with eating disorders. 

The type that everyone should be is called "The Dolphin", which is the ideal caregiver and shows the person with the eating disorder the right behaviors they should be displaying. The other types of supporters can be too controlling like "The Terrier" or even too anxious and angry at the person with the disorder like "The Jellyfish". "The Ostrich", "The Rhino" and "The Kangaroo" are the other types of supporters a person could have.
Question: Do you think that the type of caregiver can help or harm the patient? If so why?


Anonymous said...

Emi Z.

Yes, I do believe that the caregiver can help or harm the patient. If the caregiver is a positive role model, someone who is very supportive of the individual and helps the person with the disorder then I believe that this could benefit the patient. However if the caregiver is like the "Terrier" or "Jellyfish" and is to anxious or controling, I think that this could be negative to the patient because they could effect how they feel or view their condition.

shut up deanna said...

Yes, I do believe the type of caregiver can help or harm the patient. If the caregiver has a postive attitude and supports the patient they will most likely feed off that and get better. Versus if the caregiver does not put out good emotions or a good vibe that could be portrayed as helpful will affec t the patients well being and could result in worse symptoms and not getting better.

Anonymous said...

Su Teng Kuan

yes i think the type of caregiver does matter. in order for a patient to improve they need someone who will push them and at the same time be positive to encourage them.

Anonymous said...

yes in my opinion a caregiver can harm and or help someone with a eating disorder. the setting and tone the person was raised is either going to push the person into a certain habit bad or good.
-sonia 8th period