The Psychology of Revenge

"The Psychology of Revenge: Why We Should Stop Celebrating Osama Bin Laden's Death" was my  article written by Dr. Pamela Gerloff. This article took the stance of someone who opposed feeling happy about the death of another human--no matter who inhumane he may have seemed. 

The death of Osama makes many question themselves on how they view life as a principle: do those who disregard life deserve to have theirs taken? Should the law be upheld when dealing with characters such as this? As Dr. Gerloff stated, "Regardless of the percieved degree of "good" or "bad" in any of us, we are all, each of us, human. To celebrate the killing of a life, any life, is a failure to honor life's inherent sanctity."

QUESTION: Considering Bin Laden and his actions toward America, do you believe one can find closure in "getting justice" or "getting even"?


Magda said...

Considering Bin Laden and his actions toward America, i believe that we can find closure by getting justice. How are people going to live peacfully if everyone is just going to try and get even with eachother? People should understand that war isn't going to solve everything, and dependin on the action we should learn to forgive.

Melane said...

I don't get what "getting justice" would mean in the closure of Osama Bin Laden's death. In general I believe that justice is always better than revenge. Justice to me is like getting but without getting your hands dirty. I believe that justice will always be done regardless of when we want it.

Alycia Baronich said...

I think depending on the person one can find closure in either "getting justice" or "getting even". Some people think that Bin Laden's death brought both kinds of closure, but I don't exactly agree. Bin Laden's death didn't bring back any of the innocent people that died in the 9/11 terrorist attack and his death does not mean that there will no longer be terrorism. There are always factors when it comes to closure and for this reason it is hard to obtain. However, I do feel that getting justice is better than getting even because two wrongs don't always make a right.

Ashley Lockery said...

I think that Osama Bin Laden's death wasn't about getting even. It was about the safety of American's and everyone else around the world. Without him, terrorist attacks are most likely going to drop dramatically, the risk of them anyways. So if I had to pick either "getting even" or "getting justice" I'd have to go with justice.

Holly said...

I think that people can find closure in knowing that his life had ended and that no one else will be harmed by him. However "getting even" doesn't solve anything or make things better. getting justice on the other hand is the right thing to do, and i think people are relieved and feel better now that this has happened.