In today’s fast pace society, people can become irritated easily over simple things. The article “Get Over it! Exercise Your Mind” explains how easily it is to become heated in an everyday situation and how to easily calm yourself down.
The time when we are most calm and stable can be known as a person’s “place of peace.” This is a time when people feel happiest and most fulfilled. There are five easy strategies to calm down irritation. These five strategies include asking yourself if you are hungry or tired, putting things into perspective, recognizing that you can't change a situation, cutting out drama, and moving on.
Do you think that these strategies can be useful to help a person to refrain from becoming irritated?
I think that these things can all help to aid a person in not getting frustrated or upset. Being that I get on average three hours of sleep at most between baby feedings, I think I am very short tempered compared to when I used to sleep normally. Yet, I believe that some people are more prone to naturally being short tempered.
Well, I completely disagree with the part of one of the strategies which states "asking yourself if you are hungry". Many people in our society already look to food as something to comfort them, which contributes to our already obese population in this country. However I do believe that being tired can make individuals more susceptible to irritability.
- Michele Jacome
I definitely think that to an extent these strategies can help calm people down. I think that the one that tells you to put things into perspective is most important. A lot of people tend to over react to situations but when you step back from the heat of the moment you can see that the problem that you are facing is not nearly as tragic as it seemed. The few steps may help form a basic foundation to help people calm down and everyone can take them into consideration when they are mad and make them work for them.
Ashley Fontana
I agree that these tips can help you calm yourself down. Though i dont get angry or frustrated easily on a daily basis, i know people who do and if they could use these strategies, it can prevent them from blowing up. and i agree with ashley about putting things into perspective is the most important because i do believe that people over react and jump to conclusions too much and frustrate themselves and the people around them. i think these strategies could really work for short tempered people.
-Sam Wilson
I believe that those five strategies could help, but will not end being irritated. This is because many people do not have the time or patience to go through all of those steps to calm down. Personally, I believe that this would only make me more irritated. Yet, if you use one or two of these strategies I feel that they will aid you in calming down and feeling less irritable.
Maryrose Bosse
I believe that the five strategies can help a person if they have the patience to do so. i know i wouldnt be patient enough because the smallest things irritate me to the fullest. But the strategies can help if a person calms down and handles the irritation in a good way instead of screaming or yelling. If they calmed down, i do believe these steps or strategies can work.
I do not believe that such strategies can fully refrain any person from becoming irritable since none of these are just as easy as you may put them out to be . If that was the case why do many of us become irritable , these strategies may help us understand why we may be irritable in the first place but they just dont completely rid the feeling of anger since there just may be other underlying reasons for such irritability. Once many of us get angry the only thing that could really calm us down is simply time . Time allows us to go over the events that have occurred throughout the day and givs us the ability to relax and cool down. Only until after someones temper subsides then it'll be necessary to use these strategies to figure out why you were angered in the first place . So do I believe that these strategies would ever help me out , personally i think not.
the five stadges could help i guess but you should be able to restrain yourself no matter the you shouldnt be dependent on the five stadges to get you out of your troubles
William Rivera
I agree that these five strategies can help with frustration - but I don't think they can completely end it. When you're really frustrated, it's hard to take a deep breath and put things into perspective. So in order for these strategies to work, it's unlikely that the person using them is completely heated. They need to have some want to get over their frustration.
Cat Haverkampf
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