According to what Carl Pickhardt Ph.D. said in this article that parents think adolescents are lazy because when we come home from school we sit around and watch tv and don't do anything to help much around the house, when in reality we have responsibilities of our own.
Without them understanding fully what a day in our shoes would be like, it would make them better understand why at times we are so lazy. He wondered what some teenagers do with their time. This was before he understood what we really do on a normal day as a high schooler.
The question is: As teenagers, are we really lazy, or do we just have too much going on that we don't have the energy to put up with what our parents make us do in the house? Should our parents follow a day in our footsteps to really understand how complicated our lives can be?
As a teenager, I sincerely feel as though for the most part, we generally aren't lazy, although our parents may think we are. Despite the fact that our parents have duties and responsibilities to fulfill, such as going to work and paying the bills and providing for their families, we are just as well trying to get on our feet and prove ourselves to the real world, which is a job in itself. Balancing school, teachers, peers, homework, jobs, driving, a social life, a home life, and internal personal conflicts all play a significant role in our lives, something that most adults underestimate and seem to disregard, which just adds to our distress.
Alicia Tabaka
Parents were kids, too once, which people sometimes neglect to consider. They did they're time in school and back when they were kids, they had to do their chores or they'd probably get a beating. Sure school was less demanding back then, but on average more was expected of children in their home lives, so it evens out. Yes high school is stressful and a lot to handle, but I don't think that's a good reason to neglect outside responsibilities. Life's most important lessons are learned at home. I know kids who don't know how to do laundry or dishes, which is pathetic. Kids in general are way worse prepared for the future now-a-days. They don't know much about running homes or caring for themselves and heaven forbid, people other than themselves. And there are just as many unanswered questions in adulthood as there are in childhood so the whole "teen angst" thing isn't really an extra stresser, but part of life. There is significantly less respect instilled in kids today and that is most evident at school. Its really a shame the way things have become, and I think parents loosening up on their children even more than they already have over the years will make it even worse.
Cristina Theriault
I as a teenager believe that it is not a form of lazynes but is due to how busy our lives are. I dot believe the very few amount of teenagers that seem lazy probly are lazy but I no fist hand that I as a teenager am not lazy just very busy. We notice more and more that high school students come down with mono which is a form of lack of sleep which just goes to show that many of us are working our bodies down. Jennifer giomblanco
I believe that parents should experience a day in the life of their teen so they can understand just how demand our day is. Although parents where once teens, the balance of work and school was different then ours, simply becasue there was more effort put into learning lessons of life at home then learning lessons of education at school. Therefore, when teens stat ebeing tired after schools, parents do not grasp the full extent because they remember school as being less demanding. but teens should still keep in mind that saying school is exhausting is not a reason to ignore chores in the home because completing them will help gain an understanding of balancing time.
- Mariah Thomas
I believe that parents should live a day in the life of a teenager. They always say that they understand because they were once teeenagers but they really don't because so much has changed since then. Now college is so much more important meaning that caring about school, doing all of the work, and staying focused is just as important. With multiple classes handing out so much work it makes school extremely stressful. Plus we also are growing up and learning who we are and learning who we want to be. We need to be able to go out and live and experience things rather than staying cooped up in the house afraid of the world. That will get us no where in life. Then there's always the problem with jobs and that can sometimes interfere with school which makes focusing on school much more difficult, especially when you need to be a good employee. Lastly, besides the continuous stress teenagers get from their parents, we also have stress with friends or just people we see daily in general. I believe that teenagers have just as much to worry about as adults and it might be a little different because they of course have different responsibilities, but they are also older so of course it's not exactly the same.
Cassie DeCorleto
I think that the question of whether teenagers are lazy or truly do have exsausting schedules depends on the teenager. There are some teens that put a lot of effort into their schedules, work, etc., while others don't care about the direction their lives are going in or work ethic. Usually the students that really try do not have to be monitored and scolded by their parents. Yet sometimes a teenager can be a procrastinator and a hard worker. Because parents see their kid procrastinate, they think that their child is wasting their time and should be doing something worth while. I think the answer to the question depends on the teenager and how hard they try in their education and activities.
-Natalia Zagula
I think that if our parents were to live in our shoes for one day they would understand how much we do in one day and how hard it is to be able to be involved in all te things we do. adults think and see that we just come home late after doing nothing and think we had a easy day and that were so lazy when you acually had a long day where you had to work out how your going to do your home work deal with your friends and if you do sports that as well and not even talking about having a job adds more stress and responisblities. So I think it would be a great thing to see our parents live our life and find out how much stress ad work we go through each day.
Michal oldziej
I think that as teenagers, we have our own set of responsibilities that cause us to become more stressed out than what we want to be. Most of us have to balance between family, friends, homework and even jobs and/or sports. When all of that adds up it causes a lot of stress and sometimes there is nothing you can do about it. Even though our parents were teenagers at one point in their lives, their time period was completely different and they had different issues than what we have today. Everybody has a different set of responsibilities which cause a different amount of stress in our everyday lives.
-Brett Bishop
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