Facebook's Impact on Your Self-Esteem

Since its launch in 2004, Facebook has become a frequent part of the average person's day. With over 500 million active users who have an average of 130 friends and people spending over 700 billion minutes per month on the site, it is clear that Facebook impacts the lives of several people
Some people spend more time than others on the site because they love the interaction and see it as a major self-esteem boost. However, some dread checking their Facebook knowing that they won't have any notifications at all and thus find their self-esteem lowering.

Question: Do you feel as though Facebook affects your self-esteem at all?


Damian Blain said...

I feel that it is possible for facebook in some why can effect a persons self esteem. It personally dosent effect mine but it could to some other people. For intance someone might become happy if they log in and see a lot of notifications, they would probably feel important and that people want to talk to them.

JTfountain said...

No, not really. Facebook is just another tool used to interact with others. I believe it depends on the maturity of the individual. To take a website and allow it to run one's self-esteem? No, that is unacceptable. The fact is, if anyone is to let their own imagination bring them to tears over jealousy or envy over a friend or depression due to the appearence of their peer(s), then maybe they shouldn't have a Facebook period.

Holly said...

I personally agree with this article. It's sad how obsessed with the site people become. People who have more wall posts and messages will feel more liked and popular where as people who log on and see that no one interacted with them will feel like no one wants to talk to them. Facebook does not affect my self esteem at all because i choose not to use it.

Magda said...

No, facebook doesn't affect my self-esteem. It might be true that some just can't get off of facebook and they need to be on all the time, but that doesn't mean exactly that it will affect their self-esteem. I don't use facebook that often, and when i do i usually try to contact people who i havnen't talked to for years.

kaylee said...

I do not feel like facebook affects my self esteem at all. However, I think it may affect other people's self esteem if they view facebook as a popularity contest. They may feel like no one likes them if no one is talking to them.

Ashley J. said...

I feel like I have to agree with everyone that said facebook does affect one's self esteem. But only to those who actually use it constantly. I feel that facebook somewhat manipulates the people who actually pay attention to these sort of things. But from personal experience I know that my esteem increses when i get a comment or etc. on my facebook but if i don't it doesn't really matter. I don't let negative things affect me like some people may.

Melane said...

I personally don't have a facebook, but I can see how it would impact someone's self-esteem. For example some of my friends say that on particular days they get no love, as in they get no messages or notifications. No love is used as an expression, but some people may take it seriously as in no one cares for them therefore lowering their self-esteem.

aannlockery said...

I think that Facebook does have an affect on my self-esteem, because I don't always get notifications and it makes me feel like "oh I don't have many friends" when I know that's not necessarily true. Also, when you see other people's pictures you start to look at them and get a sense of jealously about who they are, who they hang out with, what they do, what they look like.

Anonymous said...

Not at all, I don't let that effect me. I have enough people talk to me on facebook anyways, and I do have certain periods where I don't talk to a lot of people, I don't mind. I say this because I talk to enough people outside of facebook that I feel confident enough to be happy and content with myself.

Unknown said...

I do think that facebook effects self esteem. I feel as though some people feel that it is important to have popularity on facebook. So they feel good about themselves when a lot of people write on their wall or they have a lot of notifications when they log on. I also think if they dont have these they spend their time looking at other people who they feel are more popular than them. But it doesnt affect my self esteem because I feel like who you are on facebook isnt who you are in person.

Rachel said...

I dont really feel as if Facebook effects my self esteem. It used to when I was always worried about having friends but over the passed year or so I could care less of people who browse through my wall or pictures. If someone likes a status or picture I posted it doesnt really effect me. Of course it makes me feel good that people are enjoying pieces of my life, but then again it wouldnt effect me negativley at all if I didnt get alot of notifications sent to me.

Ashley Lockery said...

Yes I do think that Facebook can impact somebody's self esteem. If they think that they don't have enough friends or even real friends, they go on facebook and they see everyone writting on everyones walls, and they have no notifications, it makes you feel lonely, whether you actually do have friends or not.

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Aspiritualjunkie said...

Yes Facebook has an impact on people's psychology. It allows you to see a unidimensional view of others life when in reality, there are many unseen dimensions. It can give you a false sense of reality on this digital platform that has no foundation or support. This can lead to troubles keeping genuine friendships in person and a constant comparison to the digital lives portrayed by our "facebook friends". I believe that in the long-term it does erode our self- esteem if we decide to live up to everyone else's standards. Otherwise, it can serve to improve your self-esteem if you use it productively as a means to get in touch with distant relatives and childhood friends that you have no ability to get in touch with otherwise. Its all perspective and how you use the platform. If you already have a predisposition to depression then this platform may not be for you because of a negative pattern of thought. It all depends on the individual, their genetics, upbringing and views.