Is Technology Stealing Your Sleep?

In the article,"Is Technology Stealing Your Sleep" by Michael J. Breus Ph.D it mainly stated that technology infers with people's sleep. 

In addition to this, there was a poll from the National Sleep Foundation that was taken that concluded that 95% of Americans use some kind of technology within an hour before they head to sleep. Not only this but it was also said that teenagers are twice as likely to than their parents to use technologies such as their cellular phones within that hour before they go to sleep. 

According to the article, they state that people should set an electronic curfew however a number of people wont follow through with doing so but it would increase the amount of sleep you recieve nightly.

Question: Do you belive that using technology before bed can affect the amount of sleep you get?


shut up deanna said...

Yes I believe using technology before can affect the amount of sleep a person can get because if you're in bed and you use the technology you can become distracted and not fall asleep the time you had planed too. Also, the light of the technology will keep you awake longer not allowing the melatonin in your body to help you fall asleep like it would if you were to lay down and get ready to fall asleep with out the technology.

Anonymous said...

Emi Z.
I believe that technology can affect the amount of sleep a person gets. Watching Tv, texting on the phone, using the internet all are distracting and addicting habits to break. I believe that people become so invovled in these technologies that the have trouble going to sleep because thay are thinking about what they have just seen on tv or the messages sent to a person. Society today is so obsessed with technology that our sleep patterns are suffering for it.

Unknown said...

yes i think technology can affect your sleep because the longer your on your phone or tv or laptop or ipod the longer the time it takes for you to fall asleep because your mind is busy thinking.

ashley said...

I believe that using technology before bed can affect the amount of sleep you get. If you are on the computer right before you go to bed then you will more likely be wide awake and have trouble falling asleep. If you didn't use technology before bed then you probably would have a better chance of falling asleep sooner.