To Socialize or Not? That Is The Question.

Researcher William Fleeson and his colleagues tracked a group of people, every three hours for two weeks, recording how they'd acted and felt during each chunk of time. They found that those who'd acted "talkative" and "assertive" - even if they were introverts - were more likely to report feeling positive emotions such as excitement and enthusiasm.

My question is: Do you believe that even having a small chat with someone can brighten up your day, or make you feel more positive? Even if you are an introvert?


Unknown said...

I think a chat with someone can change your mood depending on the topic of conversation. If you talk about something good and exciting that can make feel better about your day.

ashley said...

I believe that a chat with a friend can brighten up your day even if you are an introvert. Having a friendly conversation with someone is good especially if they can make you smile or laugh.

Anonymous said...

Emi Z.

I believe that having a chat with a friend can make you feel better about yourself and make you feel more positive. Even though you may be an introvert, the conversation with the friend can change your atitude, may bring you out of your comfort zone and get you more involved socially.