Homesickness isn't really about 'home' Period one

In my article they studied homesickness in people and how it affects them. They said what really causes homesickness is a distinct adjustment disorder with identifiable symptoms and what causes it. They define homesickness as “distress and functional impairment caused by an actual or anticipated separation from home and attachment objects such as parents”. Those who suffer from the condition, fee a type of anxiety, sadness and nervousness. Their mind is obsessed with preoccupation with thoughts of home. During this study they found that homesickness isn’t necessarily the missing of your “home”. It’s the human need for love protection and security, which is usually associated with home.

In the article they studied how homesickness can be prevented. They found that it’s and emotion that comes in waves, and is just your mind telling you that you are out of place. The found that the less reminders of “home” you have that easier coping with the homesickness will get. They recommend you only have contact with your parents once a week and those parents let their kids remain in the place away from home. They say that this independence will help them make friends and become more independent.

Do you think that less contact with your home will make it easier or harder to deal with home sickness?


JTfountain said...

Less contact makes it easier. Its almost like a memory. The more you think of a good thing, the more nostalgic one becomes. the more you think of a bad memory--whether on purpose or some kind of mental trigger--the more one clings to the disliking of whatever that memory entails. The same goes for home sickness. The more you revisit or dwell on the old life, the more prominent it becomes in your new life. Then you have no choice but to want it back in or out of your life. It is best to just separate yourself from that feeling all together.

Unknown said...

I feel that less contact will make it easier to deal with home sickness. Eventually the person will get used to their surrondings and forget about home. Being at the home too much will make it more difficult because that person will be so used to the home and would much prefer staying there.

Alycia Baronich said...

I think that less contact would make it easier to deal with homesickness. If people aren't constantly reminded about what they left then they will be able to adapt easier to their surroundings. Personally, I would find this hard to do but I'm sure it is a helpful tactic.

Ashley Lockery said...

I think less contact would make things easier because the more you think about home and deal with the people at home, the more you feel like you don't belong in the place you are in now. I think kids should have to go out and do things away from home to make them better cope with when they do actually have to leave

kaylee said...

I think less contact would help to make homesickness better because it will help you adjust and become more comfortable with your new surroundings. It may also help you let go of your old life and start your new one in a new place.

Holly said...

I feel that less contact with home will make it easier to deal with because it will remind you less of your home life and you can concentrate on where you are and what you're doing.

Unknown said...

It is the first stage of death.