The Pursuit of Happiness

In the article, "The Pursuit of Happiness" one topic discussed is how money does buy happiness but generosity brings true joy.

Money allows your life to be comfortable and generosity allows your life to be meaningful.  Do you think money or generosity brings true happiness?


Momma Hunt said...

I would have to say that I think having enough money makes you less stressed but less stress is not happiness. I have found that as an adult my greatest joys are in things that have no monetary value (no laughing at these kids) my favorite books, stupid stuff my son or husband does to make me laugh, or a really good baked good (I'm pregnant food had to be on the list). Yet I am realistic that even now sometimes monetary things do make me happy such as a great pair of shoes, buying my son nice things, or going out to eat. Having just paid 1600 to a vet for my dog makes me realize that money sadly is very important, but not the most important

JenRose H said...

Jennifer Hebert

I believe that the question of whether money brings happiness or not depends on what kind of person you are. Moreover, it depends on your values in life. A person who values family time would value the time spent together on Chistmas more than the diamond ring as a gift. I think it has to do a lot with the fact that some people are more materialistic than others, while some are over-emotitonal.

But let's face it. Everyone would like to have a plentiful supply of money. I constantly hear how my mother would like to win the lottery of 600,000 dollars in order to pay of the house, the cars, and put two kids through college. And then she said she would be happy. I suppose the debate is whether she is happy because she may have the money to do all of those things or the fact that she would use it for a good cause.

As for me, I save up my money and tell my mother she has to play to win. No pain, no gain.

(P.S. Why are there no spaces after periods and commas? It is driving me nuts!)

Jennifer Hebert

DominikaG said...

In the case of money or generosity bringing happiness, I would have to say that money could make you happy if you have an abundance of it, but generosity has a greater effect on you. I'm always happy when I get any sort of money for whatever reason, but I have spent my money for donations or helping people out with things, like giving someone the dollar they're short on for lunch.
I get more of a joyous feeling when I give something to someone rather than gaining something. Some people are different though, which is just part of who they are, but in general people feel better about themselves in general when they know they've done something good. Both money and generosity can give you happiness, but generosity may leave you more satisfied with yourself.

Dominika Gilewska

Anonymous said...

When it comes to the question of whether money brings happinedd of generosity i will say that generosity makes you happy. Yeah money makes people but when it comes down to it money can only get you so far in life. It might buy you friends but they arent your true friends and they would just use you for your money and then when you really needed them they would probably just blow you off. Giving makes me more happy then recieving, yeah getting things is nice but if I know that someone needs something I will put them before i put myself and thats how others should do it too.
The way I see it is you have to be happy with your life to live it the right way. Money will only make you happy for so long and then what do you do? You dont have anyone to help you because all your money is gone so they dont like you anymore or you were just rotten to them and they dont like you anymore. so generosity will get you further in life than money will.

Leiann Bialy

Anonymous said...

My opinion is that generosity brings true happiness. Money can definately make you happy with things like clothes or a nice car, however in my experience this form of happiness although refreshing, is short lived. Eventually the material objects get old or ruined and whats left is dissapointment. However, generosity never gets old or ruined. This type of happiness never goes away and sticks with you forever. Not only does it make you feel good on the inside but it helps other people as well and i think that is the true happiness.

Gina Grant

Anonymous said...

I agree with "the pursuit of happiness". Generosity does bring more happiness than money. Money may buy you temporary, empty happiness but it is the true generosity that brings you fulfillment and life long happiness. If you look back years from now you are more likely to feel happier or better about yourself after donating 100 dollers to a charity then buying a coach purse. Generosity brings true happiness.
Jenna Fravel

aledoux91 said...

Personally, I think generosity brings true happiness. Money makes people happy because it makes life easier when you have the money to pay bills with, spend on new things, and have jsut to fall back on. The more money you make, you more bills you have to pay, the more money you'll have to spend to stay happy. Generosity creates true happiness because you're making some else's day better, not just your own. By being generous your taking the time to do something for someone else, and when you do that hopefully someone will do something nice for you in return.