Trying to Remeber Things

In the article, it was stated that all people have trouble remembering things and that it's a normal part of life. There are some way to help out yourself to try to remember these things though.

The tips included:
  • being interested in what you're learning
  • using visuals
  • creating a mental tree
  • association what you know with what you've learned
  • write out what you're trying to remember over and over
  • summarizing paragraphs you've read in the margins
  • studying in the afternoon
  • getting a good night's sleep.

My question to you is if these tips are effective and which of them do you think would benefit you the most?


Anonymous said...

I think that a good night sleep is the most effective. If you're tired paying attention in class or to something important you won't remember. Your brain and amount of consciousness is not up to the norm. It is easier to remember when well rested and focused .

Jenna Fravel

JenRose H said...

Jennifer Hebert

I think that writing out what I am trying to remember over and over works the best for me. Each week on Thursday, I have a vocabulary quiz in my French quiz. It is 20 words. To study for it, I write the meaning of the word over and over. And I always get a hundred on it!

This studying method seems to work for me. Although at times, my hand seems to remember it more than my brain does!

Jennifer Hebert

SexaySamxoYT said...

I think that those tips are helpful. I believe that getting a good night sleep is the most important thing. When you don't get enough sleep you tend to not have enough energy and its hard to make it through the day. But when you get a lot of sleep you feel better and tend to get better grades in school, etc.

C.Cruz said...

I personally think that a visual aid works best for me. Visual aids help keep my interest and focus so that I am able to put the pieces together for the material. An example of this is when I had to read McBeth my teacher would show a clip of it first and then we would read and I was able to follow the story better than if I would have just read the book alone.

Anonymous said...

I think that all of these tips are good. A goodnight sleep is probably the best tip because when you get a goodnight sleep then your brin isnt working as hard to remembe stuff. Another good one is being intrested in what you are learning. I think that if you are not intrested then there is no point because you will block out what the person is saying and not want to listen.


Anonymous said...

I think that all of these tips are good especially the goodnight sleep. If you dont have a good night sleep then your brain is working harder to try and remember things that it normally doesnt have to. Also you need to be intrested in what you are learning because if you arent then there is not point because you wont want to listen to what the teacher has to say you will just block them out.


Brendan said...

I think that all of these tips are helpful, however out of all of them I believe that getting a good night sleep is going to be the most effective. After having a good night sleep your brain is fully recharged and will function better during the day. I personally like using visuals to remember things as to taking notes because it helps me retain the information better.

H Futoma said...

I believe all these tips are helpful when trying to remember something. Everyone is different, some people can easily memorize while others struggle to remember daily activity or what they wore yesterday. Personally, i believe getting a good night's sleep is the most beneficial because it gives your body a chance to renew and start off fresh and relaxed the next day. If you are stressed out and your body is overtired from not enough sleep, it is more likely that you will have trouble remembering certain activities rather than when you are wide awake.

jtinti said...

I think being interested in what your learning is very important to be successful in school. If you don't like it you probally wont bother trying. If you think about choosing your career path you choose from what subjects you like the most! This is very important to be interested in certain areas.

Jenna Tinti