Painkillers for Heartbreak?

Getting rejected by another person (emotionally) is different from when you physically get hurt by falling off your bike. But, according to a new study in your brain it's closely related.

In the Anterior Cingulate Cortex, (a portion of your brain designated for pain) holds the key to both emotions a physical pain. This new study says that you can take a painkilling drug such as Tylenol for temporarily relief of heartbreak. Also knowing that hugs and kisses can help ease the pain

Knowing the study was so small and just the beginning, Do you believe that if you take a painkiller it will help you not feel emotional heartache like not feeling a physical pain, or do you believe old fashion hugs and kisses from a loved one will help ease the pain?


xContractorx said...

I think that the old fashion way would be better because you can't take painkillers forever and you need something solid for you after the pain is gone. Plus you can get dependent on the painkillers which is bad.

-David Kusinski

rachel6wallace said...

I think the old fashion way of getting over a heartbreak or any emotion is the best way to go. Whatever happened to you would help you grow and painkillers would not help you with that process. Also, you might get addicted to the pain killers, and that would not be healthy.
-Rachel Wallace

KatieMay said...

I believe the old fashion way is the best way to deal with the pain of a heartbreak because the only thing that helps you heal is time. I don't believe painkillers is the way to get over heartbreak because you cannot depend on something unnatural to help you in a time of need. I think that time and love and support from your friends and family heals all.

-Katie May

Michelle Harter said...

No I don’t believe that a painkiller can help ease emotional heartache. That is because even though painkillers may help temporarily ease heartbreak, after they wear off the pain will still be there. After you will have to rely on those painkillers every time you get hurt. It is better for one to go all naturAllL and go for the hugs and kisses, for the reason that eventually you will learn how to cope with future heartbreaks with healthier methods.

nick minutelli said...

I believe that painkillers will not ease the pain of emotional rejection. This kind of pain could last for a long time, while a headache or falling off your bike only hurts for about ten minutes. The painkillers may cover up the pain but it will return. By getting hugs and kisses you won't feel so rejected because of the love you are getting. So, getting hugs and kisses will ease the pain of emotional rejection better then painkillers

sara s said...

I think the old fashioned way is better for healing heartache. If you take painkillers such as Tylenol eventually they would wear off. Over time you may even become dependent on the painkillers. I think the only way you can really cope with heartache is just by giving it time.
Sara Siviski

Jenna Arcari said...

I think that the old fashioned way is better for healing your heartache. I think that if you used painkillers to try and solve this problem you would eventually become addicted. Also, I think that painkillers wouldn't actually solve the problem because you can't depend on them forever, you will eventually have to deal with your emotions.

Unknown said...

I do not think that painkillers can actually heal a heartbreak. It's better to heal the heart the old fasion way because it's a way that people learn. If they rely on medicine to help them through their problesm they could start new ones like becoming addicted. By giving someone the love that they need when they're hurt is so much healthier. Painkillers may just fool a person's way of thinking and not give them the true help that they need. A person, to help heal the pain, is just to give love and support and hope for the best.

Julia Gonsalves

Unknown said...

I personally think that neither is the best option; because how many of you have gone through heartache and when asked "aww do you need a hug?" just feel so disgusted and annoyed with the situation? I think that hugs and excessive attention from people about the situation will only make it harder on you. I also think that the painkiller method is the wrong way to go.. Painkillers contain chemicals that when taken often start to deteriote one part of your body or another. For example, it is not good to take too many asprins because it has a negative impact on your liver. Therefore, I believe that time heals all wounds... </3

Jasmine Sanchez

Unknown said...

I believe that if you take a painkiller it won’t help you not feel emotional heartache instead old fashion hugs and kisses from a loved one will help ease the pain. This is because you have to be able to face reality and not use any kind of drug to escape what you feel. Knowing that someone is there for you to help you go through a hard time is a healthier way to go about dealing with a problem.

Olivia Marczyk

bcosta said...

I beleive that taking painkillers for an emotional problem cannot be resolved. Painkillers do get rid of certain pains in the physcial body but emotionally it will not affect or heal anything. What you feel emotionally is in your head, not in your body.

Nadiyah Bell said...

I believe that the old fashion way will help ease the pain of an emotional heartahce. Taking pain killers would't help because its not the same as affection from a person. I think that taking pain killers for an emotional heartache is a mind game and won't completely solve the problem.

LeBron James said...

Definitely not, but it is also true that these medicines help us a lot to control the pain, for example, I was prescribed hydrocodone, a few months ago and I drink and I do as you indicated the doctor because I clearly pointed out that effects side.

Anonymous said...

When the pain is overwhelming, why not get some relief? Tylenol isn't addicting.

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