Tetris As A Vaccine Against PTSD

My article that I chose was about, how playing Tetris after a tragic event may eventually decline symptoms that you would get from having post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 
PTSD is when you have horrible flashbacks that may interfere with someone's normal daily life and in some cases this may make the person become suicidal. Surprisingly, by playing Tetris this makes less flashbacks happen. No body yet knows why Tetris is a reliever of PTSD but it seems to be working on some people. This may be the start of a new way for scientist to find a cure for stress.

My question for you is....Do you think that games like these can really get rid of peoples stress? What do you do to relieve stress?


David Majewski said...

I feel like i would get more stressed out by tetris. I find more relief in games that require no thought at all and allow you to beat stuff up. That, is relieving for me.

desire said...

I think that it would cause more stress because tetris is a thinking game. I also think that the only help people can get who has flash backs are from a professional organization.

kristi x said...

I do believe that games like these can relieve people form stress. That is because they are thinking games that don't acquire too much thinking to the point where it gets you frustrated. They are simple and easy and skillful games, so your mind isn't on anywhere else but the game. To relieve stress I like to read. That's because when I read books, my mind is focused on there and what is going on in my book and not in my real life.

Gabby said...

I think tetris overall might be more stressful because it requires you to think fast and it's like a puzzle and some people just aren't good under pressure or doing puzzles. To relieve stress, I just like to relax, usually it includes just laying down and watching tv or being around people who make me happy.

Anonymous said...

I think it depends on if a person likes the game. Personally, I think a game is irritating if I can't do good and I would probably feel more stressed, but if I'm good at it I feel better after playing. If I need to calm down I usually try to have a conversation about something distracting.

-Shane Thomas

Anonymous said...

I believe that it could depend on the person. This is because some people stress over different things then others. I think I would probably stress more because it requires you to think fast and that's more stressful to me.

Taylor Tufano

ktran said...

No, I don't believe that games can really get rid of peoples' post-traumatic stress, but I believe that it can reduce it. I usually pop in some headphones and listen to my favorite songs. I've play Tetris before and it had reduced my stress when I was playing it. But right after I stopped playing, my stress level jumps up because of the little time I had left to complete my work. I find procrastination the source of my stress.

DSumoski said...

I feel like it depends on the person for certain games to be more or less stressful. For me, games like crosswords are more stressful if I cannot find the answer. For other people games are stress relivers. Overall, I think that people will focus on the game and forget about the stress they have. But that will not cure the stress you have once the fun and games are over.

Tyler Piskura said...

I think that it makes them happy that they are beating the game and it is simple to not hard at all. They probably get joy out of it and its simplicity makes it fun for them, makes them more happy then they were. When i"m stressed I like to think about it and find a way to make it easier and just thinking about it makes it simpler in my mind and help me remember what I need to do.

Maria Giudice said...

I think games like tetris relieve stress since I play tetris all the time and i would know personally. I tend to be a very stressed out person but when i play tetris it gets my mind off of things and i am able to be not so stressed out anymore. Also i tend to watch anime and play other games that let me just free my mind and not let me think about what is actually stressing me out. So i will say yes that tetris is a good way to relieve stress.

Anonymous said...

-Tyler Piskura
I think that it makes them happy that they are beating the game and it is simple to not hard at all. They probably get joy out of it and its simplicity makes it fun for them, makes them more happy then they were. When i"m stressed I like to think about it and find a way to make it easier and just thinking about it makes it simpler in my mind and help me remember what I need to do. Easy accomplishments will still make people happy.